Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Beautiful snow to start 2011!

It started snowing Sunday around 2 p.m. and didn't stop until early Monday morning! It was a beautiful site to wake up to! We got about 5 in. of snow, which is very unusual for this area!

Sam woke up with fever and was not able to go out to play, however we did let her go out for about 5 minutes.

Garrett and Rob played out in the snow ALL DAY LONG! I think Rob was more excited about playing in the snow and going to the levee to sled than Garrett was! They had a blast and get to continue playing in it today. I of course had to go back to work since the roads were fine.

These are a few shots from them playing around the house! Rob and Garrett got the four wheeler out and pulled the sled around the yard. They both enjoyed that! Garrett even got the chance to pull Rob on the sled and he was all smiles!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Slate! I am so glad I found your blog--I love it!! Y'all are the cutest family, and I am excited about keeping up with all of the Canon's adventures!:)

